Does Invisalign Work with Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are one of the most common dental procedures. It's estimated that around 15 million Americans have crowns to strengthen a damaged tooth or enhance their oral health. 

If you also have one and are looking into straightening your teeth, you may wonder: 

"Can I use Invisalign with crowns?"  The answer may surprise you. 

Yes, Invisalign Works with Dental Crowns! 

Invisalign works by putting precise pressure on certain teeth to move them in the correct position. If you have a dental crown, you may wonder how can the clear aligners move it without dislodging the cap. 

You need to keep in mind that the crown is cemented over your natural tooth. While the surface may have been replaced and covered with a crown, the root of the tooth is still there. Invisalign will move not only the crown but the root of your teeth too. 

To make sure the dental crown stays in place during treatment, the trays will have to fit perfectly over it. When the dentist takes impressions of your mouth to create the treatment plan, they will take into account any dental crowns you may have to ensure that the trays will fit snugly over them. They may also need to use buttons if you have crowns on your molars to ensure that the crown stays in place. 

How About Other Dental Restorations? 

Invisalign is effective on dental restorations that work similarly to crowns. Veneers, for example, are also bonded to the surface of your natural teeth, so Invisalign would be effective for people with veneers too. 

Invisalign can also work if you have a more complex restoration like a dental bridge or even an implant. Of course, dental implants are permanently fixed in the bone and do not move, unlike natural teeth. Therefore, they cannot be repositioned with Invisalign or any other form of orthodontic treatment. However, the teeth around the implant can still be shifted. 

If you have a dental implant, the dentist will design your Invisalign treatment plan around it. So, the rest of your teeth will move, but the implant will stay in its original position.

Invisalign Is Not for Everyone 

While Invisalign is a versatile orthodontic treatment that can treat a wide range of dental issues, it's not suitable for those dealing with severe misalignments or malocclusions. 

Dr. Bobbio can help you find out if Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for you. Although the idea of invisible trays is certainly appealing, you may get better results with traditional braces. You can rest assured that Dr. Bobbio will make the best recommendations based on your specific case and needs.

Book an appointment with our Brambleton dentist at Bobbio Family Dental at Birchwood and find out if Invisalign is for you. You can get in touch with us online today to schedule your consultation. 


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